WashLand Laundromat
Description : The process of doing laundry, especially for a whole family, can be quite a chore. With our extra-large capacity, Express washers, you can finish in less than hour! WashLand Laundromat is always attended by our helpful and courteous staff. Our experienced, professional laundry staff are always on-site to assist you with any questions you have about our washers and dryers, including which machine to use and how to use it.
Keywords : Dexterpay.com; Express Wash; Wash Dry Fold; Wilson Laundromat; Wilson Laundry; Wilson NC; Coin Laundry, WashLand Laundromat, Wilson NC Laundromat, Laundromat near me
Payment : Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Cash, Check, Debit
Social Media:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/category/Laundromat/Washland-130144303728745/